About Us

Our company was established on 2 February 1989 as PPJK, Specialist Project Transport and Custom Brokers. Our company handle all types of expenditures, especially Coil Import Cargo, we also serve stuffing and stripping of goods in container.

Coupled with highly qualified human resources and being a registered member of Association of Freight Forwarding and Expedition (GAFEKSI), PT. PUTRA SOPUTAN is able to compete with 800 companies engaging in the same field.

Company Legalities
  • Izin PPJK No. Kep-067.P/BC.9/PPJK/2010
  • SIUP ( Surat Izin Usaha Perusahaan ) No. 2016/SUJPT/1989 Tgl.22-02-1989
  • NPWP ( Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak ) No. 01.314.580.0-048.000
  • TDP ( Tanda Daftar Perusahaan ) No. Tgl.28-06-2010
  • Akte Notaris No. 57 Tgl.28-11-2008
Vision and Mission
  • Maintain a high quality and integrity as a company
  • Provide an excellent service and timely delivery
Company Culture
  • Honesty, mutual trust and openness among employees
  • Professionalism and ethics in the workplace
  • Solid teamwork to maximize results